Hmm, not much going on around here to write about, but I'm waiting for Travis to finish putting Ikey to bed so we can watch Deadwood, so I might as well write something up! I'm on the preschool search which is a bit overwhelming. Many thanks to my mom for talking me through it, though I've yet to officially decide. Why's preschool gotta be so expensive?! I'm so excited for Ike to start, I know he's going to love it. He's such a smart kid I'm excited for him to learn new things and to find challenges and to work with his peers as well as adults who will become so important in his life (forever! who doesn't remember their preschool teacher?). I definitely have that "oh my gosh, my baby..." thing going on, but ultimately he is going to thrive in school and it will be fun to see that. He also isn't going to start until September so I'm not in the sending him off process just yet, only in the making the choice and writing the checks process. I figure we will pay for Ike's preschool for the next two years and then for kindergarten, and just as we are done paying for him it will be time for Woodrow to start, and just as we are done paying for him it will be time for....wait, what?! Haha, if Travis is reading this he just started sweating bullets! Preschool is an investment, that's for sure. I guess you want to have a good foundation, right? Hopefully after kindergarten we'll be able to get these boys into the Montessori public school because there's no way we're paying beyond kinder!!
In current events: yesterday we went to the zoo and were charmed by the most amazing orangutan, watched a polar bear dive over and over onto a barrel in his pool, and rode a carousel for the first time--fun! Today we watched Irish dancers and listened to Irish music at Kennedy School, tomorrow we are going to the Children's Museum to celebrate this beautiful weather (aka: three whole days with no rain, hallelujah!) in their fantastic outdoor learning and play space. Last Friday we had a notable experience in Ike's first MAJOR public tantrum. Oh man. Did I say major? It was something else, I mean it was so unreal that I was actually trying not to let him see me laughing as it was happening because it was blowing my mind. We survived, I'm still not sure what the cause was ultimately, but it happened seconds after he finished his special treat of going out for ice cream, so sugar must have had something to do with it. That stuff is no good (but I love it so...).
Anywho, bedtime complete!! It's Deadwood time! Here are some pictures (though none of the tantrum, unfortunately, oh if only you could see the crocodile tears..)
These two with their sweet love..swoon
"look! I tied a tie!"
Such twinkles with their long hair
This one makes me laugh :)