Oh man, it is SUMMER here in the PDX. And most years this is a big woo-hoo!! Because we get to bask for a few months in the joy of no longer living in 100+ degree Texas heat and really feel a solid assurance that our choice to leave for this paradise was the right one. Usually, it's breezy at night, it's high 80's on a hot day, and for 3 or 4 days of the summer you might reach the high 90's and on those days you remember that oppressive feeling of hot, hot, hot. But this year, dang. This year brought the hot. I'm not talking 100+ (only a few days of that), but regularly in the upper 90's, and here's the big difference: NO A/C!! And not like, poor pitiful me, I don't have a/c, no--NOBODY has a/c!! You want that cold grocery store rush? That movie theater chill? Not here, my friends, here you find relief in front of a home window unit or a walk-in beer cooler (truly!). It is hot. I hope this is an anomaly and not the way Portland summers are headed, but I'm afraid that's really hopeful.
Today Ikey and I went swimming, and the weightlessness was welcome. This Momma is getting big in the seventh month.

Awesome felt masks at a local toy shop (this is one of many pics I took of the many animal masks they have!)
Love your precious hula hooping hippie! He matches the man in the background. Or is that Travis? 😉