Saturday, January 28, 2017


Ikey gets a little bit nervous about the basement sometimes and he'll come shooting out of the kitchen (where the basement steps are) saying he's heard a noise or that he's nervous because the basement door is open but the lights are off down there. He wonders if the noises he hears are monsters which is funny because those noises come from our cat Ari, she's such a fat kitty you can hear her thunking around down there. 

There's no monsters in our basement, but monsters do walk amongst us. I'm not sure how you could describe the executive order on immigration as anything less than the action of a monster. And if you do want to defend these actions, go ahead and rid yourself of all religious affiliations because if you condone these actions and you profess yourself to be a religious person, especially a Christian, then you are lying to yourself and you are lying to your God. Do not convince yourself that God condones these actions: borders do not exist, racism does not exist, hatred and discrimination do not exist, turning away from children and from desperate mothers and fathers does not exist in a faith that has Jesus as it's savior. If you believe that it does, I hope you will question your faith and yourself, I hope you will read your Bible with an open heart, I hope you will seek guidance from someone outside of your circle because you need to hear from someone else. We can do better than this we just have to, it's not an option. 

  • You can read this NYTimes article describing a handful of atrocities committed against immigrants just since yesterday (Friday 1/27/17), they're terrible and they're heartbreaking and there's so many more stories stacking up behind these with every minute that passes. 

  • And we can never hear enough from Malala Yousafzai: 
    • "I am heartbroken that today President Trump is closing the door on children, mothers and fathers fleeing violence and war. I am heartbroken that America is turning its back on a proud history of welcoming refugees and immigrants — the people who helped build your country, ready to work hard in exchange for a fair chance at a new life. I am heartbroken that Syrian refugee children, who have suffered through six years of war by no fault of their own, are singled-out for discrimination."
    • More from and about Malala here. 

  • Oh and what do you know? Here's an article about the Pope's thoughts on it as well:
    • "Pope Francis condemned the hypocrisy from Christians who are merciless to refugees and people of other faiths... Francis rebuked 'the contradiction of those who want to defend Christianity in the West, and, on the other hand, are against refugees and other religions.'”

Friday, January 27, 2017

Moving forward a bit

I have found it a bit helpful to disengage from Facebook. Not completely, because I have two Momma groups that I love and also Dan Rather's News & Guts page is so so good and it is primarily Facebook based as of now. I expect that will change soon because it's great. Have you checked it out? If you aren't on Facebook, maybe he's on Twitter, I'm not sure, the actual website isn't as thorough as the Facebook site though. I definitely have friends who like and share great resources, but even then I find that it's so easy to get caught up in people's comments and to let them become your own opinions rather than reading something and thinking it through and letting yourself form an opinion based upon your own knowledge and understanding. I'm definitely guilty of spewing out other's ideas because I read what they thought before forming my own understanding of an issue. I probably need to get a subscription, I used to love reading the New Yorker but...two kids and all that (one of whom never stops talking!!!! And it's not like he talks into the air, no he wants a response and asks questions that need a reply based upon an understanding of what he's's exhausting. Also wonderful, so I try not to let him down too often!) 

This is me, trying to return to the way it used to be, making america great again...wait.....


Mandatory kid pics? Sure!

Bundled on a snow day. This was our big third day snowed in outing to Whole Foods.

At OMSI: I've taken so many pictures of Ike playing with this water feature, every time I'm amazed at how big he's getting.

OMSI: Wowo and the water, cute head.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


I hope to find myself here more often starting now. Facebook has become increasingly difficult, my tolerance for anyone who has shown support for the president is nill, I find my mood greatly affected each time I log on and read more, more, more. Perhaps I'll find my way there but at the moment I do not find kindness, empathy, compassion or understanding in my heart for the people who voted this man into office. I just don't. I know I have close friends and family who participated in that effort and man, I have a hard time handling that, I frankly don't even want to hear anyone's justification. I do see it as a failing on my part that I'm not more willing and open and like I said maybe I'll get there but at the moment all I see are gag orders, hiring freezes, pipelines and muzzles on free speech. And even closer to home I see my healthcare payments going up, but thank god my family has access to it, because anyone who isn't that fortunate is about to get royally screwed. I worry about our parents who are on or will be on Medicare, I hate to think about the difficulties in signing up, finding doctors, getting medicine, etc., not to mention the sacrifices that will be made when specialists are too expensive, prescriptions are to expensive... I worry about retirement funds and social security, and these things are just in my personal bubble. What about preexisting conditions? Seriously? We just say FU to those people? And don't get me started on Women's reproductive rights, do not even...I am seeing red even typing those words.

And so, if you're reading this and you feel affronted, I'm not sorry about that, this is my space and you've chosen to be here. In my space you won't find me placating and kind, you'll likely find me pissed off and trying to deal with the reality of someone completely screwing my children's world for many many years to come. What he is doing will not be undone quickly, we will deal with the ramifications for decades if not longer. My Ikey and Woodrow have to see that man as a leader? THAT MAN?!! My greatest triumph will be shielding them in every way shape and form possible from him and from his people and from his actions. To do that, I will likely use this space to vent, I will stay further away from Facebook, I will take control of the downward spin and I will not live inside of a bad mood, I'll do better for them.

Here's my biggest dude. We should put him in the Oval Office.
At least his tantrums would be age appropriate.