I have found it a bit helpful to disengage from Facebook. Not completely, because I have two Momma groups that I love and also Dan Rather's News & Guts page is so so good and it is primarily Facebook based as of now. I expect that will change soon because it's great. Have you checked it out? If you aren't on Facebook, maybe he's on Twitter, I'm not sure, the actual website isn't as thorough as the Facebook site though. I definitely have friends who like and share great resources, but even then I find that it's so easy to get caught up in people's comments and to let them become your own opinions rather than reading something and thinking it through and letting yourself form an opinion based upon your own knowledge and understanding. I'm definitely guilty of spewing out other's ideas because I read what they thought before forming my own understanding of an issue. I probably need to get a subscription, I used to love reading the New Yorker but...two kids and all that (one of whom never stops talking!!!! And it's not like he talks into the air, no he wants a response and asks questions that need a reply based upon an understanding of what he's saying...it's exhausting. Also wonderful, so I try not to let him down too often!)
This is me, trying to return to the way it used to be, making america great again...wait.....
Mandatory kid pics? Sure!
Bundled on a snow day. This was our big third day snowed in outing to Whole Foods. |
At OMSI: I've taken so many pictures of Ike playing with this water feature, every time I'm amazed at how big he's getting. |
OMSI: Wowo and the water, cute head.
Rockstar! |
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