We had some photos taken recently, here are a couple of Ikey and I and a big 'ol belly :)
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Summer up in hera
Oh man, it is SUMMER here in the PDX. And most years this is a big woo-hoo!! Because we get to bask for a few months in the joy of no longer living in 100+ degree Texas heat and really feel a solid assurance that our choice to leave for this paradise was the right one. Usually, it's breezy at night, it's high 80's on a hot day, and for 3 or 4 days of the summer you might reach the high 90's and on those days you remember that oppressive feeling of hot, hot, hot. But this year, dang. This year brought the hot. I'm not talking 100+ (only a few days of that), but regularly in the upper 90's, and here's the big difference: NO A/C!! And not like, poor pitiful me, I don't have a/c, no--NOBODY has a/c!! You want that cold grocery store rush? That movie theater chill? Not here, my friends, here you find relief in front of a home window unit or a walk-in beer cooler (truly!). It is hot. I hope this is an anomaly and not the way Portland summers are headed, but I'm afraid that's really hopeful.
Today Ikey and I went swimming, and the weightlessness was welcome. This Momma is getting big in the seventh month.

Awesome felt masks at a local toy shop (this is one of many pics I took of the many animal masks they have!)
Monday, July 27, 2015
Not always easy
We had a hard day today. I got really upset with you when you refused to clean up your toys at the cafe. I'm sorry I didn't take a deep breath and figure out a creative and effective way to help you do something you didn't want to do. Instead I slapped your bottom, and I got mad when you laughed, and I made you cry when I told you we were going home and going to bed. I should have been better. I should have been calmer. I should have been more understanding, patient, kind, loving... I was tired and so were you. Tomorrow will be better, I promise.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Creepy things he says
"Who was that man?"
"What man?"
"That man going into Dada's room while he was sleeping?"
(Asked one morning as Dada slept in and we hung out in the kitchen).
"Who else is going to come in and look at me while I'm sleeping?"
"No, who else?"
"Nobody else, Buddy."
"What about the monsters?"
"Who was that singing a song in the bathroom after dinner when I wanted to go poop?"
"I don't know, was it Dada?"
"No, it was a critter, who was it?"
(Asked as I was leaving the bedroom after saying goodnight).
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Things he says
Upon hearing thunder: "what's that noise?!"
"I can jump easily off the couch!"
(How does he know how to use the word easily?!)
He uses "from" in place of "for" and I don't ever want him to stop!
"I have a kiss from you" (when giving a kiss)
"From me?" Pointing to himself.
"You look pretty"
(What?! This said while eating lunch, I could see him formulating a thought and was shocked when this came out. He said it so earnestly. Put a giant smile on my face.)
"Ikey, please stop pulling your fingers through my hair."
"Mommy, I have to, I love your hair."
"I'm thinking about the angel fish. And the clown fish.'
'Momma? And frog & toad."
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Long time no blog
I don't do blogging so well. I also don't do "write down all the amazing things your child says" so well. Perhaps I'll try to combo the two, we'll see how it works out. Here's a gem Travis texted me while he and Ikey were bath time talking:
Travis: Ikey do you want a baby brother or baby sister?
Ikey: I want to have a baby in my belly.
Little dude has so much to say. And he's discovering rules and really loves to put ridiculous rules on us. This morning my arms were not in the right position as I lay down on the futon in his room (6:30 wake up call this fine Sunday).
"That's not how it works!"
Some mornings he throws massive fits because dada opens his bedroom door instead of momma, and sometimes dada gets in trouble because he sits in "mommas chair" at the kitchen table. The rules are so arbitrary and meaningless, but they clearly have some meaning to him because he is very passionate about them.
Two is a challenge in some ways but mostly it's so darn interesting to watch his brain develop so rapidly and to see what manifests as the most important thing in this moment, or today, or this week.
Big brother!
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